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Svadhishthana Chakra: Feel creative with second chakra

Sacral Chakra, do I feel creative now? Or is there something that you know is trapped inside me? Am I living the life you meant me to live?

This pose, Eka Pada Sirsasana, is on the theme of softness, grace and melting into your true self. Often times I can see how my efforts create tension that hold me back (in yoga poses but also in life). Since I've been doing this pose every day for a long time, and it's possible because of open hips, It made sense to dedicate it to the 2nd chakra.

You are my sexuality, creativity, intuition and self-worth. I feel you as my inner cravings transform to thriving energy. I want you to understand something. It isn’t me, it’s you. I need you. I need to keep you close. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎svadhishthanachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras"  Part 2 in series of 7)


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA

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