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Entries in chakras (16)


Sahasrara Chakra: Find spirit connection with seventh chakra

Crown Chakra, you are unspeakable.You connect me to the infinite world, where I know that your moments are made just for me.

Physically located at the crown of my head, you are like the candle flame that always burns, the one I cannot tell is you or me or we. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎sahasrarachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 7 of series of 7.


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Ajna Chakra: Find intuition with sixth chakra

Third Eye Chakra, you are my intuition.

Clairvoyant you are. When I look through your third eye, my questions seem mysteriously answered. I know before you know. I am looking through you toward the sky. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎ajnachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 6 of series of 7).


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Vishuddha Chakra: Be articulate with fifth chakra

Throat Chakra, you are in my throat. You affect my communication, both inside my mind and through words articulated through my voice.

Are you hearing my own words before I speak them? How did you hear through my silent fog? It's ok, I know how. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎vishuddhachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 5 of series of 7).


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Anahata Chakra: Open your heart with fourth chakra

Heart Chakra, you are love.

In the heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders and upper back, you easily hide gems in the dark within me if I don't keep them free. With you I know how precious the teardrop is. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎anahatachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 4 of series of 7).


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Manipura Chakra: Be self-assured with third chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra, it is time for you now.

I'm fascinated by what's on the other side of you. Impatience is my path to you, but you are my drive to make things happen. You feed my self-esteem on the way to our edge, the place we usually travel. You're my personal power. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎manipurachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 3 of series of 7).


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Svadhishthana Chakra: Feel creative with second chakra

Sacral Chakra, do I feel creative now? Or is there something that you know is trapped inside me? Am I living the life you meant me to live?

This pose, Eka Pada Sirsasana, is on the theme of softness, grace and melting into your true self. Often times I can see how my efforts create tension that hold me back (in yoga poses but also in life). Since I've been doing this pose every day for a long time, and it's possible because of open hips, It made sense to dedicate it to the 2nd chakra.

You are my sexuality, creativity, intuition and self-worth. I feel you as my inner cravings transform to thriving energy. I want you to understand something. It isn’t me, it’s you. I need you. I need to keep you close. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎svadhishthanachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras"  Part 2 in series of 7)


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Muladhara Chakra: Get grounded with first chakra 

Image © Yoga Robin®Root Chakra (muladhara charka), am I grounded?

It's easy to float through life without being in my mind and body. You are my basic needs, security, survival. You are primal.

When I'm not looking you trap me and hold me down. I feel your power when I stand up tall, feet plugged into the earth, grounded. ‪#‎chakrahealing‬ ‪#‎emotions‬ ‪#‎muladharachakra‬

(excerpt from "You Transfix Me: You Are My Chakras" Part 1 in series of 7)


~ Robin Ellen Lucas, MA


Respiratory System, Breathing and Meditation

Healing the Total Body: Where Western Anatomy Meets Eastern Spiritual Science

Healing Series, part 6

Read on for more details...